M6: 1.62
Release Notes
Changes marked with ✲ were inspired by your feedback.
- ✲
The new /dumpflag command can be used to output
flag conditional state to chat.
This command accepts secure options.
For example, you can use /dumpflag to show the state of all flags, or /dumpflag [mod] flag1 flag2 to show the state of flags named flag1 and flag2 only while holding a modifier key. - Added [uslot:token] extended conditional, satisfied
when the item equipped in the slot specified by token has a Use:
effect. The following tokens can be used: head, neck, shoulders, back,
chest, shirt, tabard, wrist, hands, waist, legs, feet, finger1, finger2,
trinket1, trinket2.
You can also use these tokens as arguments to /cast, /use, /castrandom, and /qsequence: for example, /cast trinket1 will attempt to activate the item in the first trinket slot. - [holiday:loveair] can now be used to check for ongoing Love is in the Air festivities.
- The [holiday] extended conditional is now usable on Cataclysm Classic.
- [anyflyable] now recognizes that Oribos and the Tazavesh outdoor lobby are not flyable areas. Travel Form and Soar feedback adjusted appropriately.
- [anyflyable] can now be satisfied on Siren Isle.
- Flagged Darkmoon Faire and most dungeons as non-[anyflyable] areas (despite what [advflyable] claims).