Master Plan: Release Archive
All Releases
- NameDateHighlights
- 0.142 2024-10-11 third-party mission sorting API
- 0.141 2024-08-14 Remix bug fix
- 0.140 2024-07-28 11.0 compatibility update
- 0.138 2024-06-02 bug fixes
- 0.137 2024-03-14 scrolling improvements
- 0.136 2024-01-24 scroll bar update; bug fixes
- 0.135 2023-12-07 bug fixes
- 0.134 2023-09-08 compatibility update
- 0.133 2023-08-02 bug fixes
- 0.132 2023-07-03 underlevel XP penalty capped
- 0.131 2023-06-17 bug fixes
- 0.130 2023-05-19 10.1 compatibility
- 0.129 2022-12-01 dragonflight compatibility update
- 0.128 2022-11-17 further Dragonflight compatibility
- 0.127 2022-11-06 bug fixes
- 0.126 2022-11-04 bug fixes
- 0.125 2022-10-28 Dragonflight compatibility update
- 0.124 2022-08-08 9.2.5 compatibility update
- 0.122 2021-03-24 bug fixes
- 0.121 2021-01-13 workarounds for 9.0.2 FrameXML issues
- 0.120 2020-12-02 covenant compatibility update
- 0.119 2020-11-21 9.0.2 compatibility update
- 0.118 2020-10-12 9.0.1 compatibility update
- 0.117 2020-01-15 8.3.0 compatibility update.
- 0.116 2019-07-12 8.2.0 compatibility update.
- 0.115 2018-08-16 Class Hall/Garrison Report via War Campaign button.
- 0.114 2018-08-05 bug fixes.
- 0.113 2018-07-11 bug fixes, 8.0 compatibility.
- 0.112 2018-04-22 bug fixes.
- 0.111 2018-04-01 forbidden GameTooltip workaround.
- 0.110 2018-02-16 bug fixes; tooltip improvements.
- 0.109 2017-08-30 7.3.0 compatibility update.
- 0.108 2017-07-03 bug fixes.
- 0.107 2017-04-09 bug fixes.
- 0.106 2017-03-31 7.2.0 compatibility update.
- 0.105 2016-10-30 7.1.0 compatibility update.
- 0.104 2016-09-27 bug fixes.
- 0.103 2016-09-24 bug fixes.
- 0.102 2016-09-18 garrison report via Class Hall button.
- 0.101 2016-08-23 bug fixes.
- 0.100 2016-08-15 bug fixes.
- 0.99 2016-07-30 bug fixes.
- 0.98 2016-07-24 bug fixes.
- 0.97 2016-07-21 bug fixes.
- 0.96 2016-07-17 7.0.3 compatibility updates.
- 0.95 2016-07-16 7.0.3 compatibility updates.
- 0.94 2016-06-12 bug fixes.
- 0.93 2016-05-12 bug fixes.
- 0.92 2016-05-08 minor interface improvements.
- 0.91 2016-04-17 minor interface improvements.
- 0.90 2016-04-10 maximizing expected gold/oil/Apexis rewards; recruit ranking.
- 0.88 2016-03-31 non-replaceable traits.
- 0.87 2016-03-30 bug fixes.
- 0.86 2016-03-28 minor interface improvements.
- 0.85 2016-03-14 MoI improvements for inactive followers.
- 0.84 2016-03-11 highlighting replaceable traits/abilities.
- 0.83 2016-03-07 ignoring mission reward types.
- 0.82 2016-02-18 relevant MoIs in follower tooltips.
- 0.81 2016-02-07 naval mission improvements.
- 0.80 2015-12-13 naval mission improvements.
- 0.78 2015-11-23 bug fixes.
- 0.77 2015-11-22 bug fixes.
- 0.76 2015-11-02 alts in the garrison report.
- 0.75 2015-10-26 minor interface improvements.
- 0.74 2015-10-25 naval missions of interest.
- 0.73 2015-10-12 bug fixes.
- 0.72 2015-10-03 bug fixes.
- 0.71 2015-09-27 minor interface improvements.
- 0.70 2015-09-20 Explorer's Notebook shortcut; luck tracking.
- 0.68 2015-09-08 bug fixes.
- 0.67 2015-07-22 equipment refitting improvements.
- 0.66.1 2015-07-19 bug fixes.
- 0.65.1 2015-07-08 naval mission UI improvements.
- 0.64 2015-07-06 success chance on Naval Operations map.
- 0.62 2015-06-28 6.2 updates.
- 0.63 2015-06-28 ship equipment shortcuts.
- 0.61 2015-06-25 naval missions improvements.
- 0.60 2015-06-24 6.2.0 compatibility update; naval missions support.
- 0.53 2015-06-18 bug fixes.
- 0.52 2015-06-14 Followers tab opens to summary by default.
- 0.51 2015-06-11 bug fixes.
- 0.50 2015-06-10 added a follower summary page.
- 0.48 2015-06-04 gear upgrades throught the Garrison Report.
- 0.47 2015-05-27 bug fixes.
- 0.46 2015-05-24 batch mission completion is now the default.
- 0.45 2015-05-09 accounting for resources spent by tentative parties.
- 0.44 2015-05-05 adjustable currency waste threshold.
- 0.43 2015-04-28 sorting by reward type.
- 0.42 2015-04-24 suggestions for upgrading follower gear.
- 0.41 2015-04-13 bug fixes.
- 0.40 2015-04-09 MoI redundant followers.
- 0.38 2015-04-03 assign tentative parties from the missions list.
- 0.37 2015-04-02 time horizon support for group suggestions.
- 0.36 2015-04-01 batch-start tentative groups.
- 0.35 2015-03-31 improved handling of gold rewards.
- 0.34 2015-03-30 garrison cache added to garrison report.
- 0.33 2015-03-12 bug fixes.
- 0.32 2015-03-04 Garrison Inn UI improvements.
- 0.31 2015-02-25 MoI update for 6.1.
- 0.30 2015-02-24 Treasure Hunter trait support.
- 0.28 2015-02-18 follower search improvements.
- 0.27 2015-02-15 duplicate counter combinations icon.
- 0.26 2015-02-13 bug fixes.
- 0.25 2015-01-26 follower search improvements.
- 0.24 2015-01-16 epic ability placeholders.
- 0.23 2015-01-11 UI for racial affinity traits.
- 0.22 2015-01-04 MoI improvements.
- 0.21 2014-12-31 added Missions of Interest tab.
- 0.20 2014-12-26 improved Available Missions list.
- 0.17 2014-12-16 UI improvements and bug fixes.
- 0.18 2014-12-16 bug fixes.
- 0.16 2014-12-14 improved Active Missions list.
- 0.15 2014-12-07 bug fixes.
- 0.14 2014-12-05 sorting missions by mitigated threats.
- 0.13 2014-12-04 tentative/roaming group improvements.
- 0.12 2014-12-03 ignoring followers; partial parties.
- 0.10 2014-12-01 improvements to suggested groups.
- 0.11 2014-12-01 improvements to suggested groups.
- 0.9 2014-11-30 additional sorting options.
- 0.8 2014-11-29 sorting by mission success chance.
- 0.7 2014-11-28 saving tentative parties.
- 0.6 2014-11-27 sorting improvements.
- 0.5 2014-11-26 mission completion improvements.
- 0.4 2014-11-25 summarized mission completion.
- 0.3 2014-11-23 available missions layout improvements.
- 0.2 2014-11-22 mission mechanics in follower tab
- 0.1 2014-11-21 initial release.