OPie: Ånd

Release Notes

Ånd 4

Changes marked with were inspired by your feedback.

  • Added [in:undermine] extended conditional token, satisfied when you are in the Undermine.
  • Additional world markers are now available via OPie in Cataclysm Classic.
  • Fixed an error that prevented switching specializations via OPie's specialization slices in patch 11.1.0.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when a zone ability action bar contains multiple instances of one ability.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when a [holiday] ends.
  • Fixed an issue causing equipment sets slices to not update after renaming an equipment set.
  • Fixed an issue causing [anyflyable] to remain satisfied when moving to a non-flyable area.
  • Ash'adar and Thrayir mounts can now be used with /castrandom in OPie macros.
    A workaround intended to avoid /castrandom failing due to the comma in these mounts' names ran into a different client bug that had to be... worked around.

Ånd 3

See also: Patreon: Annotated Release Notes: OPie Ånd 3.

Changes marked with were inspired by your feedback.

  • Slice tooltips can now be configured to be shown next to an OPie ring.
  • The Great Vault UI panel can now be opened via OPie rings.
  • [holiday:loveair] can now be used to check for ongoing Love is in the Air festivities.
  • The new /dumpflag command can be used to output flag conditional state to chat. This command accepts secure options.
    For example, you can use /dumpflag to show the state of all flags, or /dumpflag [mod] flag1 flag2 to show the state of flags named flag1 and flag2 only while holding a modifier key.
  • Added Green Thumb and Sharpen Your Knife abilities to the Trade Skills ring.
  • Perfume/Cologne Neutralizers now appear in the Quest Items ring when engaging the Crown Chemical Company trio.
  • Lucky Red Envelopes now appear in the Quest Items ring.
  • Radiant Fuel Cache now appears in the Quest Items ring while on the relevant world quest.
  • Flagged Darkmoon Faire and most dungeons as non-[anyflyable] area (despite what [advflyable] claims).

Ånd 2

Changes marked with were inspired by your feedback.

  • "Close ring" can now be selected as the ring binding release interaction in Mouse-less interaction mode.
  • Added "Close ring" to the in-ring bindings list. You can now configure additional button combinations to close an OPie ring without performing any action.
  • Added an option to trigger per-slice and certain in-ring bindings on binding press (rather than waiting for binding release) to the "Per-slice bindings" dropdown in the Interaction section of OPie's Options configuration panel.
  • [anyflyable] can now be satisfied on Siren Isle.
  • You can now open the In-ring Bindings configuration panel using /opie irbind

Ånd 1

See also: Patreon: Annotated Release Notes: OPie Ånd 1.

Changes marked with were inspired by your feedback.

  • Updated the OPie User Guide to reflect recent changes to Interaction options.
  • Added [uslot:token] extended conditional, satisfied when the item equipped in the slot specified by token has a Use: effect. The following tokens can be used: head, neck, shoulders, back, chest, shirt, tabard, wrist, hands, waist, legs, feet, finger1, finger2, trinket1, trinket2.
    You can also use these tokens as arguments to /cast, /use, /castrandom, and /qsequence: for example, /cast trinket1 will attempt to activate the item in the first trinket slot.
  • Added the Equipped action category. Adding these actions will display a slice in an OPie ring only if the item equipped in the corresponding equipment slot has a Use: effect.
  • Added an "Equipment Sets" action type, allowing you to automatically add all equipment sets (optionally filtered by name) to an OPie ring.
  • Added Extra Actions to the default Quest Items ring: this slice provides the Drop Enchanted Candle/Air Totem actions in relevant Delves, and Leave the Storm and Experimental Go-Pack on Siren Isle.
  • Added Switch Flight Style to the default Specializations and Travel ring.
  • Removed the default Trinkets ring.
  • [anyflyable] now recognizes that Oribos and the Tazavesh outdoor lobby are not flyable areas. Travel Form and Soar feedback adjusted appropriately.
  • The [holiday] extended conditional is now usable on Cataclysm Classic.
  • Siren Isle Research Journal item feedback now displays the number of pages in your inventory as the charge count.
  • Further improved the relevancy of Quest Items ring content on the Siren Isle.
  • Slightly increased the radius at which main ring feedback icons are positioned.
  • Akunda's Firesticks are now flagged as usable by Alliance characters.
  • OPie options that cannot be customized for individual rings are now disabled and display an appropriate tooltip when hovered over.
  • Fixed an issue causing the On ring binding press: dropdown menu to appear excessively wide in some circumstances.
  • Reward coffers requiring level 80 to open no longer appear in the Quest Items ring on characters below level 80.
  • (a) Fixed an issue that could prevent selecting rings in the Custom Rings panel when a removed default ring was previously deleted by the user.


  • Version Date Size Compatibility
  • U Ånd 4 2025-02-26 296.5 KB 11.1.0, 1.15.6, 4.4.2

  • U Ånd 3 2025-02-11 295.7 KB 11.0.7, 1.15.6, 4.4.1

  • U Ånd 2 2025-01-24 293 KB 11.0.7, 1.15.5, 4.4.1

  • U Ånd 1a 2025-01-19 292.1 KB 11.0.7, 1.15.5, 4.4.1

  • U Ånd 1 2025-01-17 292.1 KB 11.0.7, 1.15.5, 4.4.1