[ORL] Resolved an issue occurring when rings are bound to the E key.
Echo 2
[ORL] Ring updates for the currently open ring are delayed until that ring is closed.
[RK] Saved ring internal names are now properly adjusted if invalid.
Echo 1
[ORL] Ring bindings can now be specified using macro conditionals.
For example: [combat] ALT-F or [flyable] ALT-F; [indoor] CTRL-ALT-F; F
[ORL] Rings may now be opened and closed from macros (with slice actions trigger on left-clicks). You can use the OPie Bindings configuration panel to get the relevant macro commands.
[ORL] Added an option to bind 1-9 keys to a ring's slices while the ring is open.
[ORL] Added an option to allow a ring to remain open after a left-click action has been performed.
[ORL] The stance/shapeshift bar is no longer hidden by default.
[RK] Now relying on the built-in [flyable] conditional in Northrend.
[RKC] Removed the in/out-of-combat options for the default bindings.
[ORL] Internal ring names must be alphanumeric and begin with a letter.
[ORL] Changed return values for the following OneRingLib methods: GetRingBinding, GetRingInfo.
[ORL] Indication for left-click activated rings with modifiers in their bindings now correctly handles modifiers in macro conditionals.
[RK] Spell names containing parenthesis are now handled properly (Feral faerie fire is now castable).