TaintLess: Contact

Have a problem with TaintLess?

Report it using the issue tracker. The issue tracker is private, which has a few relevant consequences:

  • Your report will not be published.
    If your issue is likely to be of interest to other users, the Known Issues list may be updated with a summary and possible workarounds after the issue is reviewed.
  • You will not be able to modify the report after submission.
    Take your time and include the details necessary to reproduce the issue you're experiencing. If you later discover that you want to provide additional information, you may do so by reporting a new issue.
  • You will typically not receive a reply.
    If everything went well, the issue should be resolved in the next update.

Something else?

For other enquiries, you may send an email to taintless+bucket.230301@addons.townlong-yak.com.